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viewxy - show 1 series on top?

Posted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 8:40 pm
by greggorob64

I have 20+ axes (in overlaid mode). Each axes has a single sampledataseries, and all axes have 'axisvisible' set to false. It yields a graph that looks like this (shown below)

Here's my goal, and i'm not sure how to accomplish it: based on the 'focused' row on in the top grid, i want to have that trace show 'on top' of the rest of the traces. Its very common for lines to have large overlappign regions, and we'd like the user to click on the trace so they can visually follow it through the graph. We may also increase the line thickness, but thats an easy portion.

How do I get a single series (or axis) to show on top of all the others?



Re: viewxy - show 1 series on top?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 2:55 am
by ArctionPasi
Hi Greg,

set MouseDown event handler for each series. In the handler, sort ViewXY.SampleDataSeries list so that the clicked series becomes last in the list. Then it'll render topmost.

Re: viewxy - show 1 series on top?

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2016 12:46 pm
by greggorob64
As always, thanks for the quick response. Works great!

(black trace is on top and width=2 now)
