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Regressive Y style chart with increasing Y values

Posted: Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:22 pm
by office-max
My data set is an xy series where x varies from -2 to 2 and Y grows continuously. However Y represents depth underground.
I want a chart similar to a regressiveY where new data points appear at the bottom of the chart(bottom of the y axis). I've only been able to achieve this by using a customAxis for y where the scroll strategy is set to regressive and the line series pattern is set to regressiveY, and the actual data uses negative values for the Y values.

Code: Select all

const container = document.getElementById(id) as HTMLDivElement;

    const grid = lcjs.Dashboard({
      theme: Themes.darkGold,
      numberOfRows: 1,
      numberOfColumns: 1,
      container: container,
    const chart = grid.createChartXY({
      columnIndex: 0,
      rowIndex: 0,
      columnSpan: 1,
      rowSpan: 1,
    // Second, a vertically progressive series with custom axis.
    chart.setTitle("Vertical progressive");
    // Add new axis to 'right' side of chart.
    const customAxisY = chart
      const series = chart
        yAxis: customAxisY,
        dataPattern: {
          pattern: "RegressiveY",
      // Destroy automatically outscrolled data (old data becoming out of scrolling axis range).
      // Actual data cleaning can happen at any convenient time (not necessarily immediately when data goes out of range).
      .setDataCleaning({ minDataPointCount: 100000 })
      // Point to nearest Y data point with auto cursor.
This achieves the desired behavior I described above where the latest points are appearing at the bottom of the chart as they come in. However I need the values to be positive. Right now the y axis shows negative values and selecting a point on the line series will display a negative Y value.

How can I achieve a similarly behaving chart where Y is increasing and values are positive, but Y increases in the bottom to top direction?

thanks for taking a look.

Re: Regressive Y style chart with increasing Y values

Posted: Tue Mar 05, 2024 8:01 am
by ArctionNiilo2
Hey, this forum is only for LightningChart .NET, not JS.

Please check here which JS support channel is applicable for you: ... s/support/

Best regards,