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3D Mesh Series Always rendering from 0,0

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:23 am
by TomRTC
I have created a 3D chart and am populating a mesh with x y and z data.
The issue I am seeing is that the surface is always drawn from co-ordinate 0,0 even when my Z value changes within the mesh data (data.Z).

I would expect that as my Z point changes that the drawing from the graph starts from that Z location not 0,0 as it is doing. The examples show no under surface filling but for some reason I always have this feature.

I have tried using fade away but it does not seem to fade away in the y axis as required.

Equally the wireframe draws down to 0,0.

I have validated that none of the coordinates at anywhere near 0 so it doesn't make much sense.

Is there a setting I'm missing somewhere so it only draws between the y value points when rendering the mesh?


Re: 3D Mesh Series Always rendering from 0,0

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 11:52 am
by ArctionKestutis

Could you include image of the problem as I could not understand the issue. You can even send your app for testing to Arction's support account [support at arction dot com].

Did you checked our Demo app examples. Here is the screen shot of one of them
Demo App example
Demo App example
SurfaceMesh3Ds.jpg (221.33 KiB) Viewed 11973 times
If this example is suitable for you, just check its source code.

All the best.

Re: 3D Mesh Series Always rendering from 0,0

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 12:57 pm
by TomRTC

See the attached image. Of what I'm seeing.

Re: 3D Mesh Series Always rendering from 0,0

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2017 2:01 pm
by ArctionKestutis
Looks like some mistake in data entering. Check our Demo examples code. If you could not find mistake, please send your app to Arction's support.

All the best.

Re: 3D Mesh Series Always rendering from 0,0

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 8:31 am
by ArctionPasi
Hello TomRTC,

All the points are initialized as (0,0,0) as default. It just seems you haven't set values for all the points?