Multithreaded application with LightningChart .NET

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Multithreaded application with LightningChart .NET

Post by ArctionKestutis » Tue Sep 20, 2022 9:01 am

Multithreaded application is new norm in software development. It provides great benefit for complex application with user interface (UI). Unloading non-essential processes to one or more background threads helps keep the application’s UI responsive and fast. However, compared to a single-threaded program, multithreaded programs need a bit more effort to develop. The careless use of threads is a big reason for subtle bugs, which can take a lot of time to locate.

Example of Parallel Stacks window
Example of Parallel Stacks window
ParallelStacks.jpg (357.52 KiB) Viewed 27318 times

Definitely it possible and beneficial to use LightningChart .NET control in multithreaded application. However, don’t forget that LightningChart is a UI element. Therefore, for thread safety all the LightningChart properties should be updated in the UI Thread.

Recently we published detailed article how the LightningChart .NET control should be used in multithreaded programs. Please read and learn from examples you will find there.

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