Status icons /button associated to axis y (WPF)

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Status icons /button associated to axis y (WPF)

Post by peppemath » Thu Dec 13, 2018 1:59 pm

Hello, I would like to ask if it is possible to implement my need. I have a diagram with many axes y: at each axis I would like to display a status icon that gives me some particular information for example by clicking, or with the mouse over, or even inserting buttons.
In the example figure I designed the icons in four different positions. Is there any solution using the arction library?
AddingIcons.png (164.06 KiB) Viewed 15385 times

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Re: Status icons /button associated to axis y (WPF)

Post by ArctionKestutis » Fri Dec 14, 2018 10:37 am


If you need just text label and those are 4 mutually exclusive options/solutions, then you can use Series.Title property. The usage could be found in our Demo App example "Multi-channel cursor tracking". Open example and clear 'Show value next to cursor' checkbox. Then cursor information is shown as Series' Title text instead of one big Annotation. Title has many properties including positioning (HorizontalAlign, VerticalAlign, Offset). If Title is to be placed outside graph-area (on margins) disable Title.LimitInsideGraphMargins property.

More general solution, which allow to have labels in all 4 positions, is using Annotation or Series/Chart EventMarkers. EventMarker consist of Symbol and Label, where Symbol could be various shape and sized including Bitmap fill. Annotation is more complex object with various shapes (including Bitmap fill) and text. To place those objects outside graph-area (on margins) disable ClipInsideGraph property. Check corresponding Demo App examples and User's Manual for more information.
For more detailed information and concept example you can ask by contacting Arction's Support.

Hope this helps.

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